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The online Professional Learning within CLARITY Learning Suite is based on Lyn Sharratt’s text “CLARITY” (Corwin, 2019). The focus is on building teacher and leader capacity to increase student achievement and growth in an ongoing, sustainable way. Lyn and her team of collaborators - Sue Walsh, Australia, Maggie Ogram, New Zealand, Mike Ogram, New Zealand, Jim Coutts, Canada, developed CLARITY Learning Suite (CLS) for system and school leaders, and for practitioners to personalise their learning.

The CLS team of collaborators has created a powerful on-line professional learning experience that will touch system and school leaders and teachers across the globe.

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Overview of Modules and Sessions


Module 1: Orientation to CLARITY Learning Suite (CLS)


Session 1: A Guide to the CLS

Introducing your learning facilitators, the purpose, content and structure of the CLS


Session 2: A Guide to the CLS Technology

Exploring the features of the CLS


Session 3: A Guide to the CLS Model

Setting the scene for the focus on the work of school and system improvement


Module 2: Introduction: Leading to Do This Work (highlighted in every session throughout the CLS)


Session 1: Introduction To Leading To Do This Work

Introducing the leadership practices and capabilities that bring CLARITY to school and system improvement


Session 2: Unpacking the Six Leadership Dimensions: Part 1 

Part 1 of unpacking the Six Leadership Dimensions that combine to make an interwoven framework of leadership practices to increase growth and achievement for all learners


Session 3: Unpacking the Six Leadership Dimensions: Part 2 

Part 2 of unpacking the Six Leadership Dimensions that combine to make an interwoven framework of leadership practices to increase growth and achievement for all learners





Module 3: The 14 Parameters: A Learning Framework


Session 1: The Third Teacher

Introducing the 14 Parameters as a Learning Framework for System and School Improvement.


Session 2: Unpacking the 14 Parameters – The Big Ideas

Introducing the Big Ideas that frame the 14 Parameters to support leader, teacher and your learning to improve student outcomes.


Session 3: Using your Data

Making connections between your data, the 14 Parameters and your teaching and leading practice.


Session 4: The Non-Negotiables

Bringing understanding to the reasons why Parameters 1,6, and 14 in the Learning Framework are Non-negotiables.


Session 5: Learning Walks and Talks

Explaining how Learning Walks and Talks connect to the 14 Parameters to support students’ and teachers’ learning.


Session 6: The Learning Fair 

Providing the opportunity for you to acknowledge and celebrate the small wins of others and of our school team and in networking learn from others.


Module 4: Knowing the FACES of Learners


Session 1: Unpack Parameter 1

Unpacking Parameter #1 Shared Beliefs and Understandings and exploring why this is positioned as Parameter #1

Session 2: The Five Questions

Using purposeful questioning as a powerful tool to collect data.

Session 3: Parents and the Community as Critical Partners

Evaluating our own teaching and learning practice to ensure strong connections and a true partnership between parents/ caregivers and school to most benefit students’ ongoing learning.


Module 5: Collaborative Inquiry with Teachers and Leaders


Session 1: The Value of Collaborative Inquiry

Developing a Collaborative Inquiry process that reflects students’ data needs.


Session 2: Operating Norms and Co-Learning Protocols

Taking a ‘deliberate pause’ to take stock of our own ‘open-to-learning, collaborative stances’ as leaders and teachers; infusing ‘Critical Thinking’ into everything we do.


Session 3: Professional Learning Communities and Communities of Practice

Gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to examine student growth and achievement by learning together in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) and across schools in a Community of Practice (CoP).





Module 6: Assessment

Session 1: Big Ideas of Assessment

Session 2: The Waterfall Chart, Big Ideas, Essential Questions

Session 3: Learning Intentions

Session 4: Success Criteria

Session 5: Descriptive Feedback

Session 6: Peer and Self- Assessment – Bump -It- Up- Walls

Session 7: Individual Goal Setting


Module 7: Instruction

Session 1: The Big Ideas/Instruction: The Waterfall Chart/ Instruction

Session 2: Oral Language and Accountable Talk

Session 3: Reading Comprehension

Session 4: Critical Literacy

Session 5: Writing

Session 6: Gradual Release

Session 7: Differentiated Instruction

Session 8: Higher-Order Thinking and Robust Performance Tasks


Module 8: Processes That Support Collaborative Inquiry with Students

Session 1: Collaborative Inquiry in the Classroom

Session 2: Three Collaborative Inquiry Processes

Session 3: Metacognition: Student Voice and Choice


Module 9: Using Data for Prevention and Intervention

Session 1: The Case Management Approach 

Session 2: Prevention: Data Walls

Session 3: Intervention: Case Management Meetings 

Session 4: Early and On-going Intervention




Module 10: The Knowledgeable Other – Leading Alongside

Session 1: Who is The Knowledgeable Other?

Session 2: Practices of The Knowledgeable Other


Module 11: Precision in Leadership Practice

Session 1: Sustaining Leadership

Session 2: Principal Learning Teams 


Module 12: Pulling It Altogether – Leading for the Future

Session 1: CLARITY: Leadership for the Future

Session 2: The Learning Fair

©2020 Sharratt Educational Group Inc.

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