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Michael Fullan and Lyn Sharratt Reflect on FACES 10 Years On…

Lyn and Michael have fun looking back across two decades of their work in system and school improvement; and they explore the need to move from a self-centred approach to education to a unified “we-we” approach to improving educational systems. Pedagogy continues to be the unrelenting focus in their work.

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Margaret Boersma
Margaret Boersma
Apr 23, 2021

I love what you say about we must all focus on pedagogy. Transforming classroom practice is critical for students to reach full learning potential and build 21st century skills! As an educational consultant, I enjoy teaching teachers how to build social and emotional learning (SEL) skills at a deep level inside the academic curriculum and enjoy having important conversations with like-minded educational leaders. Happy to be part of this group.

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